The Katharine House garden was designed by Chelsea Gold Medal winner Jane Fearnley-Whittingstall and has been maintained by a team of volunteers for over 30 years.

It is an environment of the utmost therapeutic value as well as a beautiful garden with mature borders containing a mixture of herbaceous planting and roses, a stream with water feature and a vegetable garden, all for the enjoyment of patients, family, friends and staff at the hospice.

While the framework of the garden has not materially changed, the garden has evolved with additional rose planting and a donation of plants from 2022's Oxford Universities Hospitals Trust sponsored RHS Chelsea Garden.

Proceeds to go to the upkeep of the gardens.

Date: 2 June 2024.

Opening time: 2–4.30pm.

Entry fee: £3.

Parking:  Katharine House Hospice and overflow in the field opposite, if required.

Accessibility: Most areas are wheelchair accessible.

Dogs: assistance dogs on a leash only.

Refreshments: refreshments supplied by the gardeners - drinks and homemade cakes.

Toilets: yes, inside the hospice.

Plants: sale of items propagated by the gardeners.

Raffle in aid of the KHH gardens

Other Open Garden dates for your diary

For other Open Garden dates, please see Open Gardens for Katharine House page.