Open Gardens for Katharine House Hospice 2024

We are very grateful to our supporters who are generously opening their gardens to the public to raise money for Katharine House. Each year hundreds of visitors enjoy a stroll around beautiful gardens in and around north Oxfordshire, and this year has been no exception. Although our Open Gardens season is now over, you can still visit two beautiful gardens in South Newington. Please click on the links below to find out more.

Are you interested in opening your garden for Katharine House? 

Our Open Gardens scheme has been a huge success over the years, raising tens of thousands of pounds for our patients and their families as well as the upkeep of our own beautiful garden here at Katharine House. 

Please consider opening your garden to raise money and help make every moment matter for local families living with an incurable illness. We are here to support and help guide you through the process. 

Some of our supporters have also had great success with a garden trail around their village. If you think this could work in your village, we're here to help you.

Click here to register your interest

Choose any date!

We're getting super organised and looking forward to Open Gardens for Katharine House 2025, so if you think that 2025 would suit you, we'd be very interested to discuss the possibilities with you.

An individual or several village gardens considering opening for Katharine House can pick any date during 2025 (weekends are best and April through to September is the most popular time). Additional features, like plant sales and refreshments, can also help to enhance your event.  

How we can help you

We are here to guide you through opening your garden and making your event a success. Our Open Gardens Supporter Kit includes a handy pack full of information (detailing what we can do to help) and we also have resources and tips to help you promote your event. Do take a look.

Visit the Open Gardens supporters kit

Our Open Gardens sponsor

Thank you to Graf UK for supporting us with all our Open Gardens events in 2024.