Comments, compliments and complaints form

At Katharine House we’re always interested to hear your views and comments. It’s always reassuring and motivating for all of us to know that we are meeting the professional standards that we set for ourselves.

If you are pleased with the service we provide as an income generating charity, we would value your feedback by asking you to write a letter or card, or completing the form below.

On occasions we don’t get things right and we would like to hear directly from you if this is the case. If you have any cause for complaint about any aspect of our service, do please let us know. You can do this by talking to a member of staff, by completing the form below, or in writing. We take all complaints seriously and investigate them thoroughly and fairly. We will deal with all complaints in complete confidence.

What to do if you have a complaint
If you are unhappy with our service in any way, please speak to a member of staff in the first instance, who will work with you to try to resolve it.

Alternatively, you can write to:
Emma Radley
Chief Executive
Katharine House Hospice
Aynho Road
Banbury OX17 3NL

Telephone: 01295 811866
Email: [email protected]

If your complaint cannot be dealt with immediately, you will receive a written acknowledgement from us within two working days.

Complaints process
We will carry out an assessment and full investigation of your concern and will share our findings with you. You will receive a written response within 20 working days. If the investigation is taking longer we will let you know.

If you are making a complaint on behalf of a supporter, their consent will need to be obtained prior to any information being disclosed. Please note our policy states that anonymous complaints cannot usually be investigated.

You can read our full complaints policy at

Your feedback

Please include your name and contact details if you would like a response.

By providing your email address and/or telephone number, you are providing your consent for us to contact you using these methods. You can change your consent at any time by contacting us.

Data protection

As a supporter, you’re at the heart of everything we do as an income generation charity. We’d love to keep you updated about our work and the ways you can help, as well as sharing news of events you may be interested in. We’d like to contact you by post in the future including sending you our newsletter, but if you do not wish to hear from us ever again please tick the box below. You can get in touch with us at any time to change how and when we contact you.

We respect your right of privacy and to have your data kept securely. We will hold your details for our own research, profiling and analysis purposes and promise to never sell or swap these with anyone else. For full details of our privacy policy, please visit