I am Katharine House pledge page

How will you be Katharine House in 2024? Please fill in the details on this form and we’ll add them to our pledge page.

Data protection

We will always store your personal details securely. We’ll use them to provide the information that you have requested. As a supporter, we’d also love to keep you updated about how you can help people in our community get the specialist end of life care they need, as well as sharing news of events that you might be interested in. To choose your communication preferences, please select from the options below. Your data may also be used for analysis purposes, to help us provide the best service possible. For full details see our Privacy Policy: www.khh.org.uk/privacy. We promise never to sell or swap your details and you can change your preferences at any time. To do so, simply call our Fundraising Team on 01295 816 484 or email [email protected].

Thank you for your support. We will notify you once your pledge has been added to our pledge board.

Once you’ve clicked the send button below, you will be automatically redirected to our pledge board so you can see how others are supporting us.