Here’s all the key information you need to plan for the Moonlight Walk 2023. We’ll be in touch via email whenever there’s an update to this page.

Essential information

When? Saturday 20 May 2023. Gates open 7pm.

Where? Easington Sports FC.

Parking: Wykham Park Academy, Ruskin Road, Banbury, OX16 9HY and walk across the playing fields to the start point at Easington Football Club. 

  • Disabled access is via Ruskin Road. Please contact us (link to [email protected])  if you need to book a disabled parking space.

What time? Gates open at 7pm and we invite you to come and enjoy a pre-walk picnic with live music. Bring your own picnic or dig into the homemade pizzas, ice creams, snacks, teas and coffees we’ll have on offer.

Not coming for the picnic? Please ensure that you arrive by 8:30pm at the very latest.

Arrival by foot: if you live nearby and will be coming to the event on foot, you can access the start via the gap on to the Blessed George Napier (BGN) school field on the Saltway. Please do not access the start line via Addison Road. Pedestrians will not be able to gain access via Addison Road.

What do I wear?

Dress up! Our theme is the movies. Get inspired by your favourite film – think Ghostbusters, Grease, Avengers or maybe even Marilyn Monroe or Charlie Chaplin.

And the sensible bit … You must make sure that you wear footwear that is suitable for walking and (if you’re on the 10-mile walk) for some uneven terrain. We recommend well worn in walking shoes or trainers. Be prepared for unpredictable British weather too!

T-shirt and running number collection

Pre-ordered T-shirts and your running number will be available for collection from 7pm on the day of the event. We will also sell any remaining T-shirt stock that we have on the day.

What do I need to bring?

  • Headtorch: we make every effort to make sure that the route is well lit, however, there are a few sections of the 10-mile route that will take you on country paths. We will be walking this section of the route during sunset, so please carry a headtorch in case you don’t complete this section before the sun goes down!
  • A full water bottle: we will provide water points for you to refill your water bottle along the route. In the interests of protecting the environment we will not be providing bottles of water as we aim to reduce the amount of plastic we use.
  • A fully charged mobile phone: in case you need any assistance on the route.
  • Waterproofs.
  • Safety pins for your running number (which will be handed out to you beforehand).

Can I bring my dog?

Well-behaved dogs are permitted to take part in the Moonlight Walk. Please be respectful of other walkers and keep your dog on a lead.

Where are we walking?

Both routes start and finish at Easington Sports Football Club, Banbury.

Due to the recent wet weather, we've made some changes to the 10-mile route where paths have become quite slippy.  (Whilst we want the walk to be a bit of a challenge, we also want to make sure that you come back in one piece!) Rest assured you will still be walking ten miles! The 6-mile route is unaffected.

The 10-mile route 

This route takes you into the countryside, to Bodicote and back up into Banbury, through the town centre and back to our finishing point. Please note that this route is not suitable for wheelchairs or buggies.

Click to follow the 10-mile digital route

The 6-mile route

This route takes you over to Longford Park, into Banbury Town Centre and back up to our finishing point. This route is suitable for wheelchairs (although, please be aware that the route includes a steep section at Hightown Road).

Click to follow the 6-mile digital route

We’ll be offering free bacon baps or veggie sausage baps for all finishers.

Route split 

Please note that the 6-mile and the 10-mile routes split very early in the walk at the end of the Saltway at the top of White Post Road.  

6-mile walkers will cross the zebra crossing to walk down White Post Road on the side of Bishop Loveday school.  


10-mile walkers will stay on the side of the cricket club to walk down White Post Road.  

Your safety

  • Keep cool and hydrated. Please make sure that you come to the walk well hydrated. Ensure that you drink plenty before the walk and keep your water bottle topped up at our water points on route.
  • Please don’t walk in front of the front walker.
  • There will be route support from our support vehicle and our lovely marshals. Please give them a wave as you go past – they’re giving up their time to sit in the dark and point you in the right direction.
  • If you become separated from other walkers, please wait at the nearest marshal point and join the walkers behind you. In case you need assistance or need to be picked up and returned to the start/finish point, the emergency number for the evening is 07512 690706 and will be manned from 4pm to 2am. We will have a back walker supporting both routes.
  • In case of bad weather, please keep an eye on the Katharine House Hospice website and our social media channels for the latest information.


We will have photographers taking pictures of the event. If you don't want your photograph taken, please let someone know at the welcome desk.

Essential downloads

If you have any further questions about any aspect of the walk, training or your fundraising, please get in touch at [email protected] or call 01295 816484.

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