IMPORTANT! Please read the following information carefully as it includes lots of details about the Accumulator Challenge as well as the terms you have agreed to by registering and participating. 

When can we register for the Accumulator Challenge? 

Registration is open now and will remain open until 11 October 2024, whichever is sooner. Sign up as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.  

When does the Accumulator Challenge take place? 

The Accumulator Challenge will run from 21October 2024 to 21 February 2025. Within these four months your goal is to come up with fun and creative fundraising ideas to raise as much money as possible for Katharine House.  

If we need any support or advice, who can we speak to? 

Sue, our Corporate Engagement Officer, is your go to for ALL things to do with the Accumulator Challenge. If there’s anything you need, please give her a call on 01295 816484 / 07884 650486 or drop her an email on [email protected]. 

Can we take part in any other Katharine House Hospice events while doing the Accumulator Challenge?  

The Accumulator Challenge is all about increasing the pot of money you start with. Our Care for a Cuppa campaign might be a fine way to use some of your seed fund to buy ingredients for a cake sale, which you could then grow by selling the treats you make. However, using your seed fund to enter the Santa Fun Run or Schools Santa Fun Run and then asking for sponsorship money wouldn’t be seen as increasing your seed fund. 

You can take part in the Santa campaigns at the same time as the Accumulator Challenge, but these two events are entirely separate and monies raised from the Santa campaigns cannot be counted towards your Accumulator Challenge total.  

Do we have to raise a minimum amount as part of the Accumulator Challenge? 

By signing up to the challenge, you agree to donate a minimum of £50 (or £75 if you sign up before 21 July 2024) to Katharine House Hospice. This is equivalent to the kick-starter amount you are given at the start of the challenge.  

When will we receive our seed fund? 

As part of the registration process we ask for your bank details and we will ensure the seed fund is in your bank account by 21 October 2024.  

How do we pay in the money we fundraise as part of the Accumulator Challenge? 

All fundraised monies must be paid into Katharine House Hospice no later than Monday 24 February 2025 to count towards your Accumulator Challenge total. We would encourage you to make periodic donations throughout the challenge rather than personally holding it. We can confirm the total received at any time and will send you a formal acknowledgement of your total amount raised when the challenge is completed.  

You can make payment in one of the following ways, ensuring payment is clearly identifiable as being from your team for the Accumulator Challenge.  


Please make cheques payable to ‘Katharine House Hospice Trust’.  

Bank transfer 

You can transfer funds to us via online banking. Please contact the fundraising team for our bank details.

We will also provide you with a reference number that enables us to match your donation and link it to your details.


Through the Katharine House website, via the donate page. Please make sure you write Accumulator Challenge in the comments box. 

In person

You can drop into the hospice between Monday and Friday to give your money to one of the fundraising team. Please contact us first to advise us when you’re planning to come in and to check someone is available. Email: [email protected]

Is there a limit to the number of people we can have on our team? 

Our view on this is … the more the merrier!  

Is there a lower or upper age limit to taking part? 

Absolutely not! This challenge is open to all.  

Is there any legal stuff we need to be aware of? 

We want you to be as creative as possible, but we also ask that your fundraising is safe and legal. Please have a look at our tips on the legal bits and bobs page. 

There are also certain regulations around raffles and tombolas that we’ve put together to help you. 

If you have any questions at all about fundraising legalities, please don’t hesitate to contact us. You can find out more information on our website. 

Confirming your place 

Your place on the Accumulator Challenge is only confirmed when you have registered online and received a confirmation email from us. 

Sign up NOW for the Accumulator Challenge


If you have any complaints or queries, please write to Katharine House Hospice, Aynho Road, Adderbury, Banbury, OX17 3NL.  

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