Our Head of Retail Scott may have been at Katharine House close to two decades, but we still had a lot of questions for him! He told us a bit about his role, what he likes to do in his spare time and his inability to pick a favourite dessert…

  • Name: Scott Bloomfield
  • Job title: Head of Retail
  • Joined the team: June 2006

How did you get into your role and come to work for Katharine House?

In the mid-2000s my job was in food retail and the hours became a bit of an issue with my work-life balance. With two children under ten, I needed to find something that would work better. I applied for the Head of Retail job at Katharine House because I felt I could bring my experience and also learn about another area of retail.

What’s a typical day like?  

There isn’t one. We have no idea what will be donated on a daily basis – and we have to deal with all sorts. The shops are our responsibility, so over the years we’ve had to deal with break-ins, floods, smashed windows and the occasional unusual donation … so no, there really isn’t a typical day. 

What do you wish people knew about hospice care?

I’ve seen both sides. I see how the care team work on a weekly basis, and I’ve also had friends and family cared for by them. Hospice care is very special and needs to be supported.

How does it feel to work for the hospice?

You feel you’re making a difference every day and you know that what you're doing makes a difference to other people.

What makes Katharine House so special?

The whole Katharine House team. Everyone works extremely hard and has the hospice at heart. The area needs Katharine House, that’s not in question, and the team makes sure that happens.

Now for some quick-fire questions…

If I had to sum up my role in one sentence, I’d say: looking after our seven local charity shops and online retail. It’s challenging but rewarding.

The best thing about my job is: the variety – no two days are the same.

My highlight since joining Katharine House is: the retail annual income hitting £1m for the first time.

If I could go anywhere in the world, I’d go to: not fussed; just somewhere sunny that I haven’t been before.

My favourite dessert is: Difficult one. Baked Alaska. No, trifle. No, Bakewell Tart. No, cheesecake. I don’t know, all of them.

My favourite season is: summer. Being out in the garden is my favourite way to unwind.

If I won the lottery, I would buy: a new watch. I have six already, but I’d really like an OMEGA watch.

People are often surprised when I tell them: I’ve run the London marathon, twice. 

My idea of a perfect day is: just mooching about with Mrs Bloomfield.

My favourite thing to eat is: my wife’s cottage pie.

Without doubt, the best animals are: I don’t know? I’ve never really thought about it. Hedgehogs? 

The best advice I’ve ever been given is: don’t worry about things you can’t control.

My proudest moment was: being a dad, and then a grandad.

When I’m not at work, you will probably find me: watching the telly. I usually watch whatever is currently trending. I don’t do soaps.

My go-to biscuit is: Chocolate Hobnob. Milk or dark – I’m not fussy.

My all-time favourite film is: The Back to the Future trilogy.

If I had one superpower, it would be: To fly (of course).

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