It costs more than £4.7m per year to run every element of Katharine House Hospice.

We only receive a third of this funding from the NHS and so we rely on our local community to help raise money to fund our hospice. We need to raise £13,000 each and every day to fund the hospice.

You’ve agreed to raise a minimum of £30 sponsorship. Here’s how to reach and beat your target … 

Tell your story

You have a story to tell. And it matters. Great storytellers make great fundraisers.

So, what's your story? Are you running in memory of someone special? Has Katharine House supported you? Or are you simply bringing the kids for their first ever fun run?

Tell the story:

  • About why you signed up.
  • How your training is going.
  • How your fundraising is going.
  • How it goes on the day.

Every chapter in your story will create interest and support for Katharine House, so post regularly and you'll see support snowball.

Find out how to set up your page and tell your story

Offline … 

It's not all about asking for sponsorship

There are so many ways to bear your minimum target. We've got LOTS of ideas for you from a bake sale, car washes, tombolas and even our special 'Name the Elf' game.

Visit our ideas page

And once you’re done… 

Find details for how to pay in your money

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