Donate in remembrance of someone no longer with us

By making a donation in memory of a loved one, friend or colleague, you will be helping to secure our services and make a real difference to local families in north Oxfordshire, south Warwickshire and south Northamptonshire. Please use the donate buttons below. When you complete your gift form, please leave the name of the person you are remembering in the comments section. 

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Other ways to remember a loved one

Creating a tribute page: read about how you can collect memory gifts from friends and family through your personal online tribute page.

Fundraising for Katharine House: you might also choose to honour someone's memory by taking part in one of our events, organising your own fundraising event, or by taking on a challenge of a lifetime such as running a marathon or trekking overseas. You can find out more by visiting our What's On page and fundraising page.

To talk to us about supporting Katharine House in memory of someone special, please call us on 01295 816484 or email [email protected].